Redirect 302 redirect from GET @app_subscribe (8ad540)



en Default locale
en, fr Fallback locales


Defined 28

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
en messages 1 auth.firstname.not_blank Please enter your first name.
en messages 1 auth.lastname.not_blank Please enter your last name.
en messages 1 Your email address is invalid
en messages 1 auth.password.not_blank Please enter a password.
en messages 1 auth.password.min_length Your password should be at least 8 characters long.
en messages 1 auth.password.regex Your password must include at least one letter, one cap and one number.
en messages 1 auth.confirm-password.not_blank Please confirm your password.
en messages 1 auth.conditions.is_true Vous devez accepter nos conditions.
en messages 1 site.title_base GetBill -
en messages 2 auth.signup Registration
en messages 2 nav.features Features
en messages 2 nav.pricing Pricing
en messages 2 nav.sectors Sectors
en messages 3 nav.login Login
en messages 3 nav.signin Sign in
en messages 1 footer.subtitle AI solution for automated debt collection
en messages 1 auth.signin Login
en messages 2 E-mail address*
en messages 2
en messages 2 auth.password.title Password*
en messages 3 auth.password.placeholder Enter your password
en messages 1 required-fields *Required fields
en messages 1 auth.forget-password.title Forget password?
en messages 2 confirm Confirm
en messages 2 auth.firstname.title First name
en messages 2 auth.lastname.title Last name
en messages 1 auth.confirm-password.title Confirm password*
en messages 1 auth.conditions.title I agree to <a href='%url%' target='_blank'>the terms</a>

Fallback 2

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

Locale Fallback locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
en fr messages 1 auth.confirm-password.must_match Les deux mots de passes ne sont pas identiques.
en fr messages 2 Société

Missing 2

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
en messages 1
en messages 1 <label for="registration_form_agreeTerms" class="required">I agree to <a href='%url%' target='_blank'>the terms</a></label> <label for="registration_form_agreeTerms" class="required">I agree to <a href='/en/legal/information' target='_blank'>the terms</a></label>