Redirect 301 redirect from GET @app_home (1ca9ab)



en Default locale
en, fr Fallback locales


Defined 67

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
en messages 1 site.title GetBill: AI solution for automated debt collection
en messages 3 nav.features Features
en messages 3 nav.pricing Pricing
en messages 3 nav.sectors Sectors
en messages 2 nav.login Login
en messages 2 nav.signin Sign in
en messages 1 home.title The&nbsp;AI&nbsp;solution for&nbsp;<span class="highlight">automated</span> debt&nbsp;collection
en messages 1 home.subtitle Automate your follow-ups and&nbsp;easily track&nbsp;every step until <b>payment is&nbsp;received.</b>
en messages 1 home.kpi.value.1 COST CONTROL
en messages 1 home.kpi.value.2 CUSTOMIZED
en messages 1 home.kpi.value.3 EFFICIENCY
en messages 1 home.try.title Test our solution
en messages 1 home.try.condition *The demo is offered once per phone number.
en messages 2 home.start_demo Start demo
en messages 1 home.assets.title Why Bill is the best tool for your&nbsp;follow-ups?
en messages 1 home.assets.1.title Scalability
en messages 1 home.assets.1.content <b>Bill easily adapts</b> to increasing volumes of follow-ups and can handle a large number of requests in a very short&nbsp;time.
en messages 1 home.assets.2.title Efficiency
en messages 1 home.assets.2.content By automating <b>repetitive tasks</b>, Bill frees up your teams to focus on <b>strategic matters</b>, reducing your <b>operational costs</b>, particularly in salaries and&nbsp;training.
en messages 1 home.assets.3.title Availability
en messages 1 home.assets.3.content Bill operates <b>continuously</b>, making follow-ups at <b>optimal times</b> to increase the likelihood of&nbsp;responses.
en messages 1 home.assets.4.title Reliability
en messages 1 home.assets.4.content With Bill, follow-ups are guaranteed to be <b>timely and consistent</b>, eliminating <b>human variability</b> in your&nbsp;processes.
en messages 1 home.assets.5.title Customization
en messages 1 home.assets.5.content Bill <b>adapts the tone and frequency</b> of follow-ups based on the <b>customer profile</b>, enhancing the effectiveness of your&nbsp;strategies.
en messages 1 home.assets.6.title Insights
en messages 1 home.assets.6.content Bill provides <b>clear analyses</b> to <b>improve your strategies</b> and increase your collection&nbsp;rates.
en messages 1 home.features.1.title Easily <span class="highlight">import</span> your&nbsp;clients
en messages 1 home.features.1.content Import your client files in just a few clicks with support for <b>XLS</b> and <b>CSV</b> formats, or enter them manually.<br/><br/>We provide a <b>ready-to-use template</b> for quick formatting, so you can start <b>hassle-free</b>.
en messages 1 home.features.2.title <span class="highlight">Customize</span> Bill to your&nbsp;strategy
en messages 1 home.features.2.content Adjust the <b>frequency of follow-up calls</b>, activate <b>SMS reminders</b>, and set the agent's <b>tenacity</b>.<br/><br/>Prioritize <b>payment schedules</b> and set <b>call times</b> for a strategy perfectly tailored to your clients.
en messages 1 home.features.3.title <span class="highlight">Track</span> and analyze your&nbsp;follow-ups
en messages 1 home.features.3.content Monitor the progress of your follow-ups and <b>categorize them</b> at a glance.<br/><br/>Access <b>detailed statistics</b> and <b>valuable data</b> to analyze your progress and optimize your strategies.
en messages 1 home.subscriptions.title Prices and solutions
en messages 1 subscription.package1.title Awakening
en messages 2 subscription.price 379.99$ excl. VAT / month
en messages 2 try Try
en messages 1 subscription.package1.feature.1 <b>300 credits</b>
en messages 1 subscription.package1.feature.2 Support
en messages 1 subscription.package1.feature.3 Analytical data
en messages 3 subscription.package3.feature.4 External tools & API integration
en messages 2 subscription.choose Choose this offer
en messages 1 subscription.package2.title Ascent
en messages 1 subscription.package2.feature.1 <b>600 credits</b>
en messages 1 subscription.package2.feature.2 Support
en messages 1 subscription.package2.feature.3 Analytical data
en messages 1 subscription.package3.title Horizon
en messages 1 subscription.package3.price Price based on volume
en messages 2 subscription.contact_us Contact us
en messages 1 subscription.package3.feature.1 <b>Credits to be defined</b>
en messages 1 subscription.package3.feature.2 Support
en messages 1 subscription.package3.feature.3 Analytical data
en messages 1 credit.system Each interaction is counted in <b>credits</b>: <b>2 credits</b> for a call where the recipient answers, <b>1 credit</b> for a call without an answer.<br/></br/>Pay based on the effectiveness of your follow-ups.
en messages 1 profession.title Bill, designed&nbsp;to meet&nbsp;the needs of your&nbsp;profession:
en messages 1 profession.1.title Debt recovery&nbsp;specialists
en messages 1 profession.1.content Bill offers <b>advanced automation</b> and <b>customization</b> to maximize the efficiency of debt recovery agencies and credit agencies, managing collections&nbsp;optimally.
en messages 1 profession.2.title Financial institutions
en messages 1 profession.2.content Bill helps banks and financial institutions <b>improve the efficiency</b> of their collections, reducing financial losses through optimized management of transactions and&nbsp;loans.
en messages 1 profession.3.title Debt managers
en messages 1 profession.3.content Bill simplifies the management of payment delays for telecommunications companies and utility providers, enabling <b>effective recovery</b> of large&nbsp;volumes.
en messages 1 profession.4.title Property management and&nbsp;financing
en messages 1 profession.4.content Bill optimizes the collection of rents and payments for property management firms and leasing companies, <b>improving cash flow</b> and&nbsp;profitability.
en messages 1 footer.subtitle AI solution for automated debt&nbsp;collection
en messages 2
en messages 1 + 33 6 77 21 83 18
en messages 1 li.title Legal Notice
en messages 1 faq.title FAQ

Fallback 2

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

Locale Fallback locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
en fr messages 3 subscription.package3.feature.5 Message sur repondeur
en fr messages 3 subscription.package3.feature.6 Intégration d'outils & API externes

Missing 0

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

There are no messages of this category.